Thursday, January 20, 2011

Doctors Doctors and More Doctors

Tuesday we were up early and off to Primary Children's for an upper GI and to see Dr. Downy about changing to a G tube instead of his J tube. Upper GI went well and we were told that his stomach was working totally normal and we could have a G tube. Dr. Downy is so happy with how Reese is doing. He told us that he has gained so much weight that he would never have known it was him if I hadn't been there.(I guess that's a good thing) So we got a Gtube and a new feeding schedule so there is alot to get use to but that's pretty much the way our life is for us most of the time. Always seems we are trying to adjust to some sort of change. (our normal)

After Dr. Downy's office we went to Bryner Clinic to see his pediatrician because he had a lot of rattling and rubbing sounds in his lungs. We had a chest xray and saw the doctor. We were told he had an ear infection and a small pneumonia. They asked if I wanted to be admitted to the hospital or treat him a home. Seriously what kind of question is that? I want to treat him at home whenever possible so they said he would need a shot of rocephin in each leg for three days. I figured this was a much better option than staying in the hospital for who knows how long.

Meds and feedings were going well until about 2:30 this morning when he started to vomit. Mind you he isn't suppose to be able to vomit because he has a Nissan but I'm here to tell you he is vomiting and not a little either. We are trying to decide what to do. I would like to talk to the doctor but of course she isn't in today. I am going to try giving him some clear liquids to see if that helps. We are lucky to have a nurse here today that knows Reese almost as well as I do so maybe we can figure this out together. I really don't want to end up in the hospital on IV's.

I will update everyone on what happens.

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