Friday, January 28, 2011

Doctor Visit AGAIN !

Well there always seems to be a doctor visit somewhere just around the corner for Reese. This week was a little unusual because we have had doctor visits 3 days in a row. We wouldn't want to be able to schedule them on the same day that would be way too easy:) It's been ok though because we have gotten alot of questions answered. Wed. was an appointment at Fit Well for a new custom compression vest and shorts, dafo's and a brace for Reese's left hand to help him hold things to write. Thursday was a check up with the trach doctor and we were able to ask him about the fountains of secretions we are getting these days which is a change. Come to find out the robinol we were giving him was less that half the dose it should have been. Changed the dose yesterday and it is a miracle no more secretions streaming from his trach. Today is an appointment with pulmanology to check on a vibrating vest that would loosen the junk he gets in his lower lungs. They are pretty expensive so the doctor thinks we should try it on a trail basis for a while so we will be seen and fitted for that today.

We found out at the beginning of the week that Reese's insurance had paid for his new DynaVox and so it was shipped out on Wed. We are so excited for Reese to have a way to communicate with the world and we feel so blessed that his insurance would pay for it.

By the way if you were all wondering we did not end up in the emergency room (my last post) we kept fighting at home and finally had a break through and he began to feel so much better. Thank you to my great home nurses who were willing to just keep on fighting with me so we wouldn't end up in the hospital.

Well I had better run to get gas and make it to our appointment on time.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hospital Visit or NO Hospital Visit

Well sometimes I just don't know what to do. We have been fighting fevers, vomiting, diarrhea and now fountains of secretions out his trach. We gave tylenol and guess what? His fever went up now how does that work. I have been Reese's mom long enough to know that nothing is simple but I sure wish it was sometimes. I think we have tried everything we can at home and we are probably headed to the emergency room, you know our home away from home. I am just really hoping they can figure something out and send us home. I really an too busy to stay in the hospital but aren't we always to busy for that. Well I will update everyone on our little outing to Primary Childrens as soon as I know something. Wish us luck I have a feeling we are going to need it.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Much Better Day

Well Reese had a much better day yesterday. No vomiting and back to his bolis feeds. He is such a strong boy I don't think I could put up with the things he does every day. We are hopefully going to be going back to school this week. I had to change nursing agencies again which is a huge pain but I really wanted to get him back in school and using a certain agency was the only way to do that. Reese has been missing his teacher Ms Bree and Miss Monah so much and not to mention his girlfriend Camille. You know its going to be Valentines Day soon and he wouldn't want to miss the chance to give Camille something special:)

As for the rest of my family they are all doing well. Mike is working hard at his new position and I think he is really loving it. LeGrand continues to work and plan a trip to Disney World in June for him, Demi and Nick. What a nice brother he is to Demi. He loves her so much and really just wants her to be happy and get to experience things that she otherwise wouldn't unless he pays and plans. Amber is working hard and going to school this semester so she is very busy. She is also coaching girls basketball at church and the girls really like her and I think she really enjoys doing it. Nicholette is busy going to school at Utah State in Logan and really loving it. She is getting ready to apply to the college of Education and so she has been busy doing all of her testing in order to do that. She is totally in love with Logan and is anxious for him to move back to Utah. Demi and Reese are just busy being kids and enjoying every minute of it.As for me I love being a stay at home mom even though it seems I'm not at home much. I love having the choice so thanks Mike for working so hard.

Well that's about it for now so until next time.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Just Another Day At Reese's House

Well what a day yesterday was for Reese. The poor little guy could not stop vomiting. Finally sometime in the night his stomach settled down and he went to sleep and didn't vomit all night. I am really hoping this was the 24 hours flu and we are over the worst now. We are going to try slowly going back to formula from pedialyte so wish us luck. If we do it slowly we should be back to our normal feeding schedule by the end of the weekend. Other than this little illness things are going pretty well in our house. We have a couple of HopeKids events coming up in the next week and that should be alot of fun. We always have such a good time with HopeKids. It has given Reese a chance to enjoy so many things that he would normally not have been able to do so thank you hopekids.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Doctors Doctors and More Doctors

Tuesday we were up early and off to Primary Children's for an upper GI and to see Dr. Downy about changing to a G tube instead of his J tube. Upper GI went well and we were told that his stomach was working totally normal and we could have a G tube. Dr. Downy is so happy with how Reese is doing. He told us that he has gained so much weight that he would never have known it was him if I hadn't been there.(I guess that's a good thing) So we got a Gtube and a new feeding schedule so there is alot to get use to but that's pretty much the way our life is for us most of the time. Always seems we are trying to adjust to some sort of change. (our normal)

After Dr. Downy's office we went to Bryner Clinic to see his pediatrician because he had a lot of rattling and rubbing sounds in his lungs. We had a chest xray and saw the doctor. We were told he had an ear infection and a small pneumonia. They asked if I wanted to be admitted to the hospital or treat him a home. Seriously what kind of question is that? I want to treat him at home whenever possible so they said he would need a shot of rocephin in each leg for three days. I figured this was a much better option than staying in the hospital for who knows how long.

Meds and feedings were going well until about 2:30 this morning when he started to vomit. Mind you he isn't suppose to be able to vomit because he has a Nissan but I'm here to tell you he is vomiting and not a little either. We are trying to decide what to do. I would like to talk to the doctor but of course she isn't in today. I am going to try giving him some clear liquids to see if that helps. We are lucky to have a nurse here today that knows Reese almost as well as I do so maybe we can figure this out together. I really don't want to end up in the hospital on IV's.

I will update everyone on what happens.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Starting a Blog?????

I am so excited to have a place to share the accomplishments and challenges that our family faces everyday. Reese has been one of the best things that has ever happened to our family. I am excited to have a spot to share all of these things with family and friends. I hope that you will all find some of this interesting.